A modified circular patch antenna design has been proposed in this paper, the. The antennas show the ability of the genetic algorithm to allow the designer to optimize an antenna for several different criteria at once, and to create new antennas with very little information from the designer other than general constraints and the desired performance characteristics. Design and optimization of aperture coupled microstrip patch. In this study an irregularly shaped microstrip patch antenna was designed, simulated, and optimized for airtoground communication atg applications. Ga analysis of parameters of magnetically biased microstrip.
Directive antennas, genetic algorithms, linear antenna. Genetic algorithms in electromagnetics wiley online books. These algorithms are extremely powerful and may be applied to a wide range of engineering design problems. This paper presents an application of a machine learning technique to enhance a multiobjective genetic algorithm to estimate fitness function behaviors from a. Genetic algorithm optimization of a highdirectivity microstrip patch. Research article nonuniform overlapping method in designing. Easy to use in an array to increase the directivity.
Impedance bandwidth optimization of double slots circular patch antenna using genetic algorithm and the interface fuzzy logic f. A genetic algorithm nitodds evolutionary processes on a computer to arrive at an optimum solution. Moga are well suited for optimization problems in antenna. A highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna design by using genetic algorithm optimization article pdf available in progress in electromagnetics research c 374. Wide and multiband antenna design using the genetic algorithm to. Nonuniform overlapping method in designing microstrip patch. A highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna design by using genetic algorithm optimization jeevani w.
The rectangular microstrip antenna was modeled using the cavity method of analysis and the fitness functions to optimize the gain and resonance frequency were obtained. Ling, fellow, ieee abstract a genetic algorithm ga is used to design patch shapes of microstrip antennas for multiband operations. Haupt the pennsylvania state university applied research laboratory p. Genetic algorithm, compact, microstrip antenna, ground plane. The work has been performed by interfacing the genetic algorithm to ansoft high frequency system simulator hfss. A genetic algorithm is a tough, stochasticbased search method, which can. Applying the proposed structure to a microstrip array antenna having two elements, the effect of using the patches on mutual coupling and return loss is simulated and studied. It is designed by using genetic algorithms with the advantage of not requiring a feeding network. Design and optimization of aperture coupled microstrip. In the following sections a brief overview of all the algorithms are given followed by the verification of the results using ie3d software. Genetic algorithm, electromagnetic optimizer highlights on parametric variation of the antenna. Jul 25, 2008 the method studied here is based on the wellknown cavity model and the optimization of the dimensions and feed point location of the circular ring antenna is performed via the genetic optimization algorithm, to achieve an acceptable antenna operation around a desired resonance frequency. This algorithm consists of search space scan and search domain zoom stages.
Genetic algorithms in electromagnetics focuses on optimizing the objective function when a computer algorithm, analytical model, or experimental result describes the performance of an electromagnetic system. The microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate in c band with the centre frequency at 7ghz and various important performance metrics of the. An example of an evolved antenna is an xband antenna evolved for a 2006 nasa mission called space technology 5 st5. Microstrip antenna optimization using genetic algorithms. Uduwawala4 1department of electronics, wayamba university of sri lanka, kuliyapitiya, sri lanka 2technology and intellectual property rights department, fractus, barcelona, spain. Jun 30, 2006 a thorough and insightful introduction to using genetic algorithms to optimize electromagnetic systems. Abstract genetic algorithm ga is utilized to design microstrip patch antenna shapes for broad bandwidth.
When using ga, the patch geometry is optimized by dividing the patch area into small rectangular cells. Genetic algorithm ga is utilized to design microstrip patch antenna shapes for broad bandwidth. Design of aperturecoupled microstrip antenna for hiperlan. Design of broadband microstrip antenna utilizing genetic algorithm. Wide and multiband antenna design using the genetic.
Nov 20, 2000 read bandwidth improvement of microstrip antennas through a genetic. The method studied here is based on the wellknown cavity model and the optimization of the dimensions and feed point location of the circular ring antenna is performed via the genetic optimization algorithm, to achieve an acceptable antenna operation around a. Optimization of circular ring microstrip antenna using. Fuzzy genetic algorithm fga is applied to the problem of synthesizing a probefed circular microstrip antenna element with thick substrate taking resonant frequency, gain, bandwidth and input impedance of the antenna element into consideration simultaneously. Pdf a highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna design by. Easy to incorporate with other microstrip circuit elements and integrate into systems. The effect of external magnetic biasing has also been. Recall that our antenna system consists of three sections, each containing eight complex weights i.
Abstract the application of genetic algorithm ga to the. Implementation of the simple genetic algorithm sga this section describes our first optimization approach, which involves the implementation of a simple genetic algorithm sga. A combined continuousbinary genetic algorithm for microstrip. Neela chattoraj and jibendu shekhar roy are with the faculty of. The effectiveness of the scan and zoom algorithm is firstly tested on mathematical functions.
For dualband operation, the optimized patches show that arbitrary. A combined continuousbinary genetic algorithm for microstrip antenna design randy l. A complete explanation regarding the design of sierpinski bowtie antenna with its behavior has been presented. Military antenna design using simple and competent genetic. Genetic algorithm optimization of a highdirectivity. Genetic algorithm is a popular optimization technique and has been introduced for design optimization of microstrip patch antenna. Differential evolution 812, a variant of genetic algorithm. The process started with the design of a rectangular patch antenna with the traditional transmission line and cavity methods, followed by a simulation with the finitedifference timedomain method fdtd in conjunction with a genetic algorithm. Design of dualfrequency probefed microstrip antennas. The fitness functions for the ga program have been developed using cavity method for the analysis of microstrip antenna. The application of genetic algorithm ga to the optimization of important parameters directivity, radiated power, impedance etc.
A new project based on ga and high frequency simulation software hfss is proposed to perform optimization. Ads platform is used for providing the lumped equivalent model analysis for designed antenna. Genetic algorithm optimization of broadband microstrip antenna. Pdf analysis of the microstrip patch antenna designed. Thus genetic algorithm has been used for optimization of resonant frequency for perfect impedance. In this paper genetic algorithm has been used for optimization of aperture coupled rectangular microstrip patch antenna acmpa dimensions, it was exactly used to optimize the patch length, the slot dimensions in the ground plane and the dimensions of the feed line. Tuning rectangular microstrip antenna through scan and.
Genetic algorithm ga is a popular optimization technique used in the design of performance improved microstrip patch antennas mpas. The genetic antenna with the gp optimized is even better compared to the traditional and the genetic antenna. Reduction of mutual coupling in microstrip array antennas. Patterns are somewhat hemispherical, with a moderate directivity about 68 db is typical. Read bandwidth improvement of microstrip antennas through a genetic. Genetic algorithm optimization for microstrip patch antenna miniaturization article in progress in electromagnetics research letters 60. Design of a compact genetic microstrip antenna with. Each of these classes use different structures and exploit different properties of electromagnetic waves. Design and optimization of aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna using genetic algorithm article pdf available may 2014 with 731 reads how we measure reads. The basic objective is to have narrow beam widths in heavy handoff areas and wider beam widths in areas with low traffic density. Microstrip antenna is gathering a lot of interest in communication systems. In this paper, genetic algorithm has been used for optimization of resonant frequency of coaxially fed rectangular.
Study of cutoff frequency limits of switchable ferrite microstrip triangular patch antenna through genetic algorithm topics microstrip triangular patch antenna, genetic algorithm, fitness function, ferrite substrate, magnetic biasing, ann analysis training, etc. Design of multiband microstrip antennas using a genetic. Then, the design process of microstrip antennas with strips and slots via the genetic optimization algorithm is discussed in section iii, where some examples and discussions on the proposed algorithm for the design. The accurate evaluation of resonance frequency of microstrip antennas is a key factor to guarantee their correct behaviour. In this paper, the design of a compact microstrip patch antenna using genetic algorithm ga based optimization is proposed for wideband applications. A twodimensional chromosome is used to encode each patch shape into a binary map. Application of fuzzy genetic algorithm to the problem of. The shape of a typical rectangular patch is modified in order to reduce it resonance frequency. This paper describes a genetic algorithm ga that optimizes chromosomes. A dualband microstrip patch antenna was designed using genetic.
Genetic algorithm optimization for microstrip patch. Pdf in this paper, the design of a compact microstrip patch antenna using genetic algorithm ga based optimization is proposed for. It does not require derivative information of antenna model. Pdf analysis of the microstrip patch antenna designed using. This has an inherent problem of adjacent cells being connected to each other with infinitesimal connections, which may not be achievable in practice due to. Design of broadband and dualband microstrip antennas on a. A selforganizing genetic algorithm for uwb microstrip antenna. Design, simulation, and optimization of an irregularly. A thorough and insightful introduction to using genetic algorithms to optimize electromagnetic systems. Application of genetic algorithm to the optimization of. Most practitioners use the genetic algorithm technique or some variant thereof to evolve antenna designs. This approach removes the requirement for quarterwave transformers associated with the conventional method, and achieves a more compact configuration. Genetic algorithm ga has been a popular optimization technique used for performance improvement of microstrip patch antennas mpas. Application of genetic algorithm to the optimization of gain of magnetized ferrite microstrip antenna neela chattoraj and jibendu sekhar roy abstractthe application of genetic algorithm ga to the optimization of gain of microstrip antenna, fabricated on ferrite substrate, biased externally by a steady magnetic field, is reported.
This paper introduces a new application of genetic algorithm ga in dynamic sector synthesis of antenna array for mobile base transceiver station bts. References 1 ramesh garg, prakash bharti, inder bahl, microstrip antenna design handbook, artech house, boston london, 2000. Differential evolution algorithm, microstrip antenna, aperturecoupled. A novel highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna based on zeroindex metamaterial. The bioinspired algorithms used are genetic algorithm ga, evolution strategies es and artificial immune systems ais. Pdf a highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna design.
Application of genetic algorithm for optimization of. Research article nonuniform overlapping method in designing microstrip patch antennas using genetic algorithm optimization j. Genetic algorithm optimization technique has been utilized in hfss software for optimization of the aperture coupled patch antenna dimensions in order to achieve better return loss and height directivity. Second, to analyze the stochastic nature of each algorithm in single and multiobjective problems, using four different numerical probability density function pdf. Apr 22, 2010 genetic algorithm ga is utilized to design microstrip patch antenna shapes for broad bandwidth. The fitness function plays a vital role in the successful. The optimized patch design exhibits a threefold enhancement in bandwidth when. The method of designing microstrip antenna, using genetic algorithm, is presented in this paper. Microstrip patch antenna having a rectangular profile. The genetic algorithm is a robust, stochastic search method that models its processes after the principles of natural selection and. Genetic algorithm genetic algorithm is a robust global stochastic search methods. Genetic algorithm optimization for microstrip patch antenna. Genetic algorithm in broadband microstrip antenna design ijarcce.
A highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna design by using genetic algorithm optimization. Design, simulation, and optimization of an irregularly shaped. Genetic algorithm optimization and performance comparative. Bioinspired algorithms applied to microstrip antennas design. The structure involves 22 design parameters with associated constraints, and a multiobjective genetic algorithm is developed to determine the parameter values.
A single highdirectivity microstrip patch antenna mpa having a rectangular profile, which can substitute a linear array is proposed. The patch length and width as well as the amount of horizontal and vertical concavity. It offers expert guidance to optimizing electromagnetic systems using. For antenna optimization, using differential evolution algorithm, the fitness function is evaluated using cavity analysis 12 of microstrip antenna. Wide and multiband antenna design using the genetic algorithm to create amorphous shapes using ellipses by lance griffiths, you chung chung, and cynthia furse abstract a method is demonstrated for generating compact, broadband and multiband antennas using ellipses to create new amorphous shapes with greater bandwidth and less. The ga was then coupled with the method of moments. A broadband triplefrequency patch antenna for wlan applications using genetic algorithm optimization. Genetic algorithm ga analysis and optimization of the important parameters directivity, radiation power, impedance etc. Impedance bandwidth optimization of double slots circular.
The switch array found by genetic algorithm is 1 1 0 0 1. A genetic algorithm was used to determine the patch length and width and feeding point in the design of a coaxially fed circularly polarized rectangular patch antenna 3. Functions for the fitness of the ga program is developed using transmission line model of the analysis of microstrip antenna. The optimized patch design exhibits a threefold enhancement in. The authors report the use of a genetic algorithm ga to design patch shapes for microstrip antennas on a highdielectric substrate for broadband and dualband applications.
Sierpinski bowtie antenna with genetic algorithm bikash ranjan behera department of electronics and communication engineering, birla institute of technology, mesra, patna campus, patna, bihar, india. Request pdf genetic algorithm optimization for microstrip patch antenna miniaturization the miniaturization of the patch antenna has. Mom to design wide and dualband patch antennas by removing metal cells from a standard design 4. Touhami, and tajeddin elhamadi abstractthe miniaturization of the patch antenna has become an important issue in reducing the volume of entire communication system. Future research work should aim at utilizing genetic algorithm optimization technique to improve the performance of the patch antenna array. Design of multiband microstrip antennas using a genetic algorithm h. Abstract genetic algorithm is utilized in the optimization of microstrip antenna with complicated structure. Reasonable agreement between simulated results and measured results of the gaoptimized design is obtained. The mission consists of three satellites that will take measurements in earths magnetosphere. Read calculation of optimized parameters of rectangular microstrip patch antenna using genetic algorithm, microwave and optical technology letters on deepdyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Nonuniform overlapping method in designing microstrip. Section ii presents a brief about genetic algorithm and the flowchart used, section iii tells about design of microstrip rectangular patch antenna, in section iv simulation results are presented. A fullwave electromagnetic solver is employed to predict the performance of microstrip antennas with arbitrary patch shapes.
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